If you are not satisfied with our products or services, please contact our customer service department, where our staff will be happy to help you. If you are still not satisfied with the handling of your question or complaint after getting in touch, you can notify us in writing.
Send your complaint, stating your name, address, town and (if applicable) order number, to:
Dille & Kamille c/o Customer Service Coordinator
Oudegracht 176
3511NP Utrecht
The Netherlands
Once we receive your letter, we will provide a thorough response to your question or complaint within 14 days.
Have we still been unable to satisfactorily resolve your question or complaint? You can always submit a complaint to the Thuiswinkel Disputes Committee, PO Box 90600, 2509 LP in The Hague. You can also submit your complaint to the Dispute Resolution Committee via the European ODR Platform.